Music Production Lessons
Take your music production skills to the next level with personalized, one-on-one courses on FL Studio, Logic Pro, Ableton Live or Studio One
Hvað get ég lært?
- Einstaklingsmiðað námskeið, þú velur áherslurnar útfrá þínum markmiðum.
- Lærðu hljóðblöndun með effektum eins og compression, limiter, EQ, clipping, reverb o.fl.
- Náðu tökum á sound selection og layering.
- Taktu upp og mixaðu söng.
- Náðu ‘pro’ soundi á lögin þín.
- Lærðu að nota stúdíóbúnað eins og audio interface, preampa og syntha.
- Einföld tónfræði sem gagnast pródúserum og lagahöfundum.
- Lærðu að skrifa catchy laglínur og hooks.
- Lærðu hljóðhönnun með synthum eins og Serum og Vital.
- Tímarnir eru kenndir í stúdíói Eyjarslóð 7, Reykjavík.
- Einnig í boði sem Zoom-tímar.
The course is for anyone interested in making music, ranging from absolute beginners to more advanced producers who want to strengthen a specific area of their skillset. If you are interested in making great tunes, this course is for you!
A computer and a DAW (such as FL Studio, Logic or Ableton) is a great start. However, it's possible to take the classes using trials versions of the software. Many of the companies offer great trial versions of their software for free. Which is more than enough to get started. Reach out to me in the contact tab for more info on that.
I've held multiple classes on production and songwriting at the University of Iceland (EHÍ), held multiple seminars at Skýið Skapandi Skóli as well as teaching elementary classes in Logic Pro at Tjarnarskóli. I've got a BA degree in Music Production from Linnéuniversitet in Sweden as well as a Certified Logic Pro cerfication from Apple. I've worked as producer as a full time profession for over 4 years now, gaining experience in all sorts of projects and musical genres.
The classes can be scheduled on weekdays between 8:00-20:00. If that doesn't work for you, reach out through the contact tab and we'll figure something out.
Most choose to take their classes 1 hour every week but it's possible to make a different program that better fits your schedule.